Church Membership
Becoming a member of a local church is a privilege that is not to be entered into lightly. Our purpose at Timberlake is to Cultivate A Passion For God In All People By Making Christ Known And His Word Clear and this yoke is a joy as we serve together.
STEP 1: Membership Request
Each prospective member begins by making known their desire to become a member of this local body and completing a membership request form. Be sure to carefully complete this form. Members can be accepted into the local body in one of four ways: by Baptism, by Statement of Faith, by Letter, or by Watchcare.
Step 2: Membership Interview
Each prospective member will meet with a membership committee, comprised of two deacons. This will enable the men to gain a brief biographical sketch of each one and to hear of God's converting work in their life. This will also be the time to sign the Church Statement of Faith and Covenant (which is to be read prior to the interview) declaring that the prospective member is congruent with and supportive of the faith and practice of this local body.
STEP 3: Membership Class
Each prospective member will attend a three hour Membership Class. The purpose of the class is to communicate the distinct doctrine and philosophy of ministry of TBC as well as hear each pastor's testimony, call to ministry, and an overview of his specific ministry responsibilities.
Covenant Commitment Service. Each prospective member will participate in a New Member's Covenant Commitment service where new members covenant to commit themselves to the church body and be held accountable by it and the church body commits itself to the new members, to serve them and be held accountable by them.
Upon successfully fulfilling these requirements (and receiving a letter of transfer for those coming by letter), each prospective member will be received into the membership upon recommendation of the pastor(s) and by a congregational vote.
These steps are designed to promote a regenerate and committed membership, a body of believers who joyfully study the Scriptures, worship Christ, support the body financially, love and serve one another, submit to God-ordained elders, make and train disciples, and long for the return of Christ together!
These steps are designed to promote a regenerate and committed membership, a body of believers who joyfully study the Scriptures, worship Christ, support the body financially, love and serve one another, submit to God-ordained elders, make and train disciples, and long for the return of Christ together!