Adult Sunday School Classes
The elders are charged by Christ to shepherd the flock (1 Pet. 5:2) and will give an account for how they shepherded each individual soul (Heb. 13:17). Our Sunday School classes are the primary shepherding arm of our church, and encompass children, youth, college students and adults. The elders and other church teachers oversee each of the classes, and the primary focus of this time is teaching tailored to each specific group. These pastors and teachers strive to know their classes intimately and are able to pursue shepherding on a more direct level. Often (but not always) the these classes are specific to certain ages or situations of life. Please explore the links below for specific descriptions of each class.
Welcome to the College & Singles Ministry of Timberlake Baptist Church! We gather each week on Sunday mornings in the old auditorium at 10:40 am for a time of singing and Bible teaching. Our supreme goal is to please Christ by discipling college students and young adults to maturity in Him. We would love to have you join us!
Sojourners is a cross-generational Sunday School class. As a class, our aim is to pursue fellowship, a greater love for Christ, and Christian maturity together. We pursue these by devoting ourselves to careful study of the Scriptures, focused teaching on marriage and family, and intentional discipleship between growing believers. All are welcome to join us!
We meet in the Expositors Seminary classroom (located in the Old Auditorium Building) at 10:40 AM Sunday mornings.
We meet in the Expositors Seminary classroom (located in the Old Auditorium Building) at 10:40 AM Sunday mornings.
This Sunday School class is for young families or couples who have been married for three years or more with or without children. Our desire is to glorify God through upholding, strengthening, and building up of the biblical institutions of marriage and family. We believe that for families to thrive, they need practical biblical teaching, pastoral encouragement, and the support of other young families. That is why Devoted is committed to building your faith, your marriage, and your family.
We have social activities like cookouts and open house events at the houses of various class members. We look forward to having you join us this Sunday morning!
We have social activities like cookouts and open house events at the houses of various class members. We look forward to having you join us this Sunday morning!
Abundant Life
Pastor Brodie and his wife Judy began leading this area of ministry in 1988. Weekly, we have a time of sharing praises and prayer requests followed by an in-depth study of God’s Word where handouts typically are used to enhance the lesson. Occasionally, the children or grandchildren of class members minister special music in the class. This serves as part of their discipleship and as an encouragement to the class. This class generally ministers to adults who have teens or are embarking upon the empty nest years. It is a family-oriented class where the entire family is welcome to join their parent(s) if that is preferred. It is the goal of this class to glorify God by equipping families through teaching God’s Word so that husbands and wives, dads and moms, and all know how to function as God intended, so our children and grandchildren will carry the gospel to the next generations while looking for the coming of Jesus.
This Sunday School class has a variety of members, but is primarily made up of "empty nesters". The goal of the Grace Walk class is to study a variety of subjects and topics using an expository method of teaching verse by verse through that subject. We look for what the Scripture says, what it means, and how it applies in the life of the believer. Fellowship times are meant for personal fellowship and getting to know one another. This allows us to deepen our relationships one with another and so be able to carry out the "one another" commands found throughout the Bible. There is a time of sharing praises and prayer requests. This class is led with a small group mindset. People can and do share comments, questions and enjoy some lively discussions on the subject that is being taught. Our class time Includes:
- A Time of Fellowship, we always have coffee, tea, hot chocolate and some kind of breakfast to snack on
- A Time of Singing
- A Time of Sharing Prayer Requests & Praises
- A Time of Studying the Word of God.
The Wisdom Seekers Sunday School class is composed primarily of older adults. Our teachers, Ed Crossett and Don Bowman, through expository teaching of the Bible, encourages us to take what we learn and put it into action in our church, our community, and around the world. Many group members take short term mission trips, and most are actively involved in serving at Timberlake. We have an email prayer alert system that keeps the group members aware of critical needs. Our social team plans group activities such as Sunday evening afterglows, banquets, picnics, and other outings. Anyone looking for a group of caring adults who are focused on knowing Christ and serving Him are invited to join us!
Our Sunday School class, meeting in the classroom adjacent to the auditorium, consists mostly of retired folks 60 years old or older. Bible teaching varies between topical and verse-by-verse. Class socials are held in the church or off-site at area restaurants every other month beginning in February. Our goals are to explore the richness of the Word of God so that we can deepen our understanding and continue to grow in our relationship with Christ, and to build each other through fellowship.