Sunday Mornings @ 10:35 AM |
Sunday Mornings @ 10:35 AM |
Truth & Light ConferenceMENTAL ILLNESS
This year's conference will feature guests Dr. Shane Koehler & Pastor Omri Miles. Our Truth & Light Pre-conference for equipping biblical counselors will be held Friday evening, March 3rd, from 6:00 - 9:00 pm.
Timberlake Baptist Ministries has been a vital part of this central Virginia community for over 80 years. We exist to proclaim Christ and make His Word clear in Lynchburg and around the world. Whether you are just beginning to seek answers to life's questions or you're a mature Christian looking for a church family, we hope you will feel right at home with us. We hope you will not only enjoy your experience at Timberlake Baptist Church but that through your time with us, your understanding of the person and work of Jesus Christ will be deepened. We would be honored to have you worship with us this Sunday!
When you arrive on campus, there will be parking lot attendants to direct you to a convenient parking space. You'll also find greeters wearing nametags around campus who can answer any questions you might have and will be able to direct you to an adult Sunday School class, children's class, or nursery. We also have a Welcome Center just inside the front doors of the Ministry Center. The Welcome Center will have lots of helpful information about classes as well as a campus map to help you get around.
Our worship services are at 9:00 am and 10:40 am in the Ministry Center. Our greatest desire at Timberlake is to make God look bigger through our worship times. We want you to leave your time with us with a greater reality of God's majesty and a clearer understanding of His Word. Because of this, our services are filled with the truth of God's Word. We read the Scriptures publicly, sing the Scriptures through God-focused songs and hear an expository message taken from the text of Scripture. We gather to hear from God through His Word and to exalt God alone.
Our Sunday School classes are scattered throughout the campus. These groups range in age from nursery and children's to our senior saints, and there are several classes the entire family can enjoy together. The Sunday School class time provides a smaller group setting for more personal interaction and a chance for further biblical instruction. Our nursery and younger children's classes use a pager system to reach parents quietly and quickly if a need should arise.
TBC Member AppThe Timberlake Baptist Church App is a powerful resource that allows you to connect with us anywhere while you are on the go! The app places hundreds of hours of sermon audio within easy reach. You can be sure to always know the latest about activities and events. There are tons of additional features like online giving, event sign-ups, weekly bulletins, and Bible study resources. You can even submit prayer requests and connect with our missionaries - all from the palm of your hand! Be sure to download the app today.
Upcoming Events |
Ministries |
Service TimesSUNDAYS
9:00 AM Morning Worship I
10:40 AM Morning Worship II 5:00 PM Evening Worship Dr. W. Bryan Ferrell
Senior Pastor |